Every time I see that title, I get this song stuck in my head:
The problem with Angel: After the Fall
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Earth-2 Leigh
Now I know what you're thinking.
Uatu, where did you get two hundred and forty dollars?
Don't worry your pretty little head about it, baby.
It ain't your concern.
Posted by
Earth-2 Leigh
On Television
Heroes so accurately reflects the superhero genre that people who hate it watch it just so they can complain about it on the internet.
Posted by
Earth-2 Leigh
In the future...
... it will finally be possible to give 110%.
I imagine after a great catastrophe, when society was being rebuilt, the only media that remained were sports broadcasts and reality shows. They just assumed that's how percentages worked.
Posted by
Earth-2 Leigh
The mysterious second assailant.
After I pasted a timely link to the cover of Swing With Scooter #1 into an IM session with my disco-buddy, he pointed out the lower-right corner:
Kenny, huh? Short for Kenneth? And he seems to know an awful lot about frequencies.
Does this mean William Tager was a disturbed Swing With Scooter fan? (Not that I'm implying anything about fans of that work.) Or was Scooter himself the other assailant?
We may never know.
(Also worth noting, Joe Orlando, the artist on several Swing With Scooter issues, went on to edit the original Swamp Thing series at DC. Swamp Thing. Coincidence? I think not.)
Posted by
Earth-2 Leigh
In which I notice another thing.
Comics fella Warren Ellis:
Musician Warren Ellis:
Conclusion: Every Warren Ellis will at some point sport a totally awesome beard.
Therefore: I am going to change my name.
Posted by
Earth-2 Leigh
In which I notice a thing.
Get Fuzzy's Chubby Huggs:
is a family-friendly Bueno Excellente:
(Hey, 100th post! While on hiatus, no less!)
Posted by
Earth-2 Leigh
Could this be my last post ever?!?
In case the hiatus wasn't obvious, it's official now.
I've been spending my time doing my best to emulate the great comic book artists of my generation.
That's right—I've been playing a lot of video games.
I'm sorry, that joke was facile and based on lies.
Wait, what's that?
You wanted to say something?
Oh. Well, there you have it. Thanks, Earl.
(Edit: Okay, I've used up all the good games for now. Back to comics!)
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Earth-2 Leigh
The year-ish in review-ish.
I see all sorts of people have been doing year-end wrap-ups with all kinds of crazy categories and whatnot. Well, I've been busy! That Rick Olney meltdown thread isn't going to read itself, you know!
In order to catch up, I got a few books out of the library and have read approximately the first quarter of each of them. With that knowledge under my belt, I can confidently hand out the following awards:
Most Awkward Book of the Year:Premillennial Maakies: The First Five Years, by Tony Millionaire. At 12.25" by 4.75", this long, slender hardcover is the Bob Barker's Microphone of comic strip collections. I tried reading it in bed, and it made my elbows hurt. This book was also a shoo-in for the Most Unwieldy Book of the Year award before I realized that was redundant. Favorite strips so far: main strip, p. 34, mini-strip, p. 53. Look them up in your own copy!
Most Mental Book of the Year:Abraxas and the Earthman, by Rick Veitch. I don't know if it's possible for mushrooms to drop acid, but if it were, this book is what it would be like if a peyote cactus ate those mushrooms and washed them down with a large bottle of Robotussin. Better than Star Trek IV!
Most Narrowly-Focused Comics-Related Publication of the Year:Writing for Comics with Peter David, by Peter David. Ignoring Soulsearchers, David has only co-written 27 stories in his entire career, according to the GCD. Will one lucky reader of this book get to co-write number 28? I mean, the early parts are interesting, and I assume the parts about writing with Peter David come later, but that just doesn't seem like it would be very useful.
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Earth-2 Leigh