
Guess what I'm reading...

The AFP reports:

TOKYO (AFP) - To the untrained ear monkeys of a certain species may all sound the same, but Japanese researchers have found that, like human beings, they actually have an accent depending on where they live.

Some of us already knew that.

Yes, I know he's actually an ape.


Stupid brain!

This started out as a cute little thing about chocolate and porn and how it's my birthday and no one got me a Black Mercy or Krypton Rose. Then something went horribly wrong. I don't know what to say:

I just don't know.

Edit: Greatest birthday present ever! This apparently spoils some X-Men plotline or something. Thank you, Brian Cronin and Rich Johnston.


Not a rumor. No basis in reality.

Warren Ellis likes Charlie Stross. So do I. When I was reading Iron Sunrise, I says to myself, I says, "This guy should write comics."

Here, get a look at him. That'll come in handy in a minute.

Now, a couple months later, I'm reading The Atrocity Archives. One of the stories in it won a Hugo this year, as seen in this photo.

Well, how about that. He no longer has hair.

And what do people without hair do? They write some goddamn comic books.


Try to understand...

Looks like Grant Morrison wasn't the only one to predict Infinite Crisis:

(from Alan Moore's Tomorrow Stories #2, from Nov. '99)


Another bad idea.

I was going to write the lyrics too, but I stupidly checked to see if anyone had already done such a thing. It turns out someone did, and it's not very good (in that it completely falls apart after the first four lines), but I'm unable to come up with a better opening line than he did.

Also, I didn't want to listen to the song 700 times to get the rhythm right.

Feel free to filk up the comments if you want.

Edit: Aw, why the hell not? Even if this is horrible, my opening line's different, at least.

Swimming in a dark trench
Talking to tube worms on a steam vent

Starro didn't decompose
Grew another body; made more foes
Hey Aquaman

Junior is his dead son
Watched as Manta ended all his fun
Hey Aquaman

Namor likes to run amok
Orin doesn't flip out like that schmuck
Oh Aquaman

Fish mind-controlled
Mera's his one and only
Fighting crime
The only way he knows
Hook for a hand
Or sometimes it's made of water
He brings down fishy slaught
-er, no retreat

He's not alone
Tempest, his eyes they glowed
And they made things explode
So easily
Aquaman my friend
Don't you let them say you're cheesy
You talk to scrod, but gee, you rule the sea.

Do you still remember
How you made Züm's brain seize
Basal ganglia
In his Martian brain were
Just like parts piscine
And you never caused Max Lord's death
Or fought demented clowns
Swimming powers zoom like
Flash's running thing

[Followed by lots of repetition. Maybe some flute.]


It's a sickness.

Blame Chris.

(After poaching from him for three posts in a row, I'll try to give it a rest now. But what will I do with my life?)


My contribution.

Yes, I went there, Al Hartley.

See Chris's post for the 'splainin'.